Recently we have push a megha update in saralhisab estimations app. From last several years we are constantly providing new features to our customers to build delightful estimations.
Here are quick updates for our estimations app that will make our users delightful.
Customer master with important details like mobile number gst number city
We have introduce customer master in estimation app, so user can pick customer quickly by just typing two letters of their name.

Also user can pick customer from their already saved contacts and create entry in customer master having details fetched from contact details like their name, mobile number, email address.

Further more user can add additional details like customer GST NUMBER, address so it will be displayed in estimation.

Import export products in bulk
This feature we already described in our last post. But still let’s summarise it here quickly so you will know along with all other updates.
If you have 100,500 or even 1000+ products to sell. It is difficult to add them manually in mobile application. Instead
Settings app icons
We also updated settings screen with little updates. We have added icons related to setting sections so it can be easily identify by user. Here is how it looks like

Upcoming features promise
Further more we are promissing with another list of great features in estimations app that will make user experience even better. We are planning to group the estimations list based on months and year they created so it will be easy for the user to find the estimation that is created in specific month. Also they know in which month they have good volume.